Friday, August 15, 2008

it's official...

today is my first official day back at work. friends have trickled back in from summer holiday and the school year is about to begin.

i have spent the last few days in my classroom getting it organized and set up. so far, i have only rearranged the furniture two times. i am hoping that i am done with it, but who knows i might change my mind. i have already made out the schedule for my class which is nice to have complete. although, again, it is subject to change. yesterday i received my class folders which tells me who is in my class. i feel like it will be a good bunch of kiddos. i know some of them already from teaching the older sibling, after school swim, or just in the halls. it should be a great year.

today will be full of meetings and the usual welcome back brew-ha-ha. after lunch i think i get to work in my classroom some more which will be good. i have lots to do before the kids come on wednesday.....

wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck this school year.
Hope it goes well