Tuesday, May 04, 2010

RAW(e) red

Just to let my readers know....my photo of the peppers was choosen as the winner at Sailor & Company's website. Yeah for me. I think I get a small prize, but I also get to pick this next week's winner and the theme is "running".

I am super encouraged and looking forward to participating each week as a creative outlet for myself.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Mandy! When Walt and I were at The Getty last week, one entire room was devoted to still lifes of food and yours would have fit perfectly - you could be at The Getty someday :o)
Love you, Sally

Amber said...

Congrats! That is truly exciting. Your photo was mouth-watering for me (I love spicy food). It is going to be fun checking in on your photos each week. Creative outlets are AWESOME!!!